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Play as baldi mod download

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Play as Baldi Mod [Baldi's Basics] [Mods]

Jun 05,  · A Mod for "Baldi's Basics". (Education and Learning, Field Trip Demo and Birthday Bash) Mod Direct Download Mirror router (Android) Mod Direct Download Mirror router What about a Option for muity player on the mod menu that would be cool one play usese a wirrles controler and the other usese a mouse and Author: Fasguy. Jun 22,  · �� This isn't your ordinary everyday Baldi's Basics mod. It's not even close. This is a mod, that shows Baldi in his T̴̬̦͚̹̺̹͌͗R̪͔̹̘ 4/5(8). May 08,  · Step 2. After it says its done downloading and is in your downloads folder, open apk editior (which you should already have installed, if you don't install the non-pro version from aptoide first!) Step 3. Click select an apk file, then open the downloads folder and select "Name of Baldi mod".apk you download Step /5(16).

play as baldi mod download

Play as baldi mod download

Become a member today and start sharing your creations! Sign up Receive these membership benefits:. Limit to:, play as baldi mod download.

Supported Games. Expanded Collapsed Hidden. Left Right. Small Regular. Click Hover. Left Center Right. Fixed Floating. A Quest with Sketch Man! A WiP by Alabtom. Baldi's Mysteries!

A WiP by Official Kylegamer Your browser doesn't support HTML audio. You do NOT need to credit Mystman12 for mods. That's kind of a recent trend. Anyone flagging for cre Load More. Play as baldi mod download following Welcome message is a placeholder! As such, we sort of "welcome" you to the Baldi's Basics modding community. We're happy to accept new modders. Here's the modding guide where you can get started in.

Sort of outdated, but still works! A link to the Discord server can be found here. Admin Notice This section is quarantined and under review - see the Shutdown warning thread. The rules should be read by all new users. Please help us keep this section from being permanently closed down by being helpful and following the rules. Reposting the section or making duplicate ones is not allowed. Subscribe Sign up to access this! Game files Categories, play as baldi mod download. Ripe Supporter Baldi Manager.

Affiliation: Ruler Productions. Joined 1y ago. Official Kylegamer Joined 6y ago. CS PRO. Joined 7y ago. Danial Zahid. PM the Managers. Mod submissions often require at least two or three in-game screenshots, due to the nature of how mods are released for this game. This means actual gameplay images, not just splash screens or images of what things are based on. There are few exceptions, such as if the mod is a mechanic play as baldi mod download can't be displayed via screenshots, or if it's in the "File Distributions" category.

Despite these mods being for Baldi, a game which has been made to intentionally look to parody old edutainment games from the 90s which were poor in designwe still expect a certain level of effort for mods made for it. No mod for the game should be shared commercially in any way, as said by mystman12, the creator of the game.

Distributing mod textures, sounds, etc. The "Textures" section is for texture mods, so is the "Sounds" section for sound mods. Don't put your own mod in its game section as it was your own game. This game section exists for a reason for separate game sections, and uploading your mod in the games section is likely to be trashed.

Don't refer to your non-WiP mod as a "pre-release". That's not a thing if you have created a submission, as that's considered a release. Personalization is not allowed in any submission. Play as baldi mod download mods are for a specific person or small group and aren't ideal for community use. This includes names of any kind; people, clans, groups, personalised characters.

Personalised threads are regarded as "I have an announcement" threads, ones that are basically specific to a specific mod and are more suited to put in your profile or WiP submission.

Recreating things such as items and random events or things that are in the Public Demo is allowed, though. Collect all 7 of the notebooks and escape the school, all while avoiding Baldi. Baldi has many friends in the school that will slow down your progress and put you at risk of being caught, so learn how each character works and how you can use them to your advantage. Find items and use them wisely to better your chances of winning. This game is fun, creepy, really weird, and play as baldi mod download, so go ahead and check it out!

Love this game? Become a Game Manager.

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GOTTA BAN BAN BAN! (Hilarious Roblox Baldi Mod) �� - Baldi's Basics Gameplay (Roblox Mod)

, time: 15:54

Play as baldi mod download

play as baldi mod download

Seeking for an opportunity to release a full game, Baldi’s Basics’ creators have located a request on Kickstarter. This title is a horror that imitates the knotty style of learning games from the past and therefore looks really horrifying/5(22). Jun 11,  · How To Play As Baldi | Baldi's Basics Mod TeamTC! PLEASE POKE THAT LIKE BUTTON! *pokes* SUB and join TeamTC HERE! → Welcome today to ano. Don't put your own mod in its game section as it was your own game. This game section exists for a reason for separate game sections, and uploading your mod in the games section is likely to be trashed. Baldi-based/inspired games should be put either in this game section or in the Unity section. Don't refer to your non-WiP mod as a "pre-release".

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